(949) 716-5222

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Bee Service

Bee Treatment and Hive Removal

Bees are considered beneficial insects. They make honey, royal jelly, and beeswax, but even more importantly, they are the main pollinators of our planet. If a bee swarm lands on your property, we generally recommend to leave them alone and they will go away by themselves in 48 to 72 hours. But if they decide to build a hive around your home or in your eaves, they can quickly become a hazard to you and your family.

Attempting to treat bees or remove a bee hive on your own can prove to be dangerous and in some cases may only solve the problem temporarily. It is always advisable to call a professional when dealing with bees.

At Sentinel we offer services for simple bee swarm treatments and bee hive removals. If bees have taken up residence on your property, call us today for an inspection.

Wasp Treatment and Removal

The two main wasps we deal with in Southern California are the Paper Wasp and Mud Dauber. If left alone, they are generally non-aggressive. Even so, nobody wants their unsightly nests on the walls of their home. If you find that Paper Wasps or Mud Daubers have decided to take up residence on your home, give us a call and we will remove the nests and treat the area to keep them from coming back.

Bees, Wasps, and other Stinging Insects:

Honey Bees

Honey Bees are fuzzy, yellow and black in color, oval shaped, and around ½ inch in length. The back legs of the worker females have little sacs to carry pollen. They are social insects and are generally harmless when pollinating, but can become aggressive when defending their hive. They only sting once, but they can be extremely dangerous when attacking in large numbers.

Carpenter Bees

Even though Carpenter Bees may share simple social nests, they are considered solitary bees. They resemble black bumble bees but unlike the bumble bee, they have a shiny abdomen. Their large size may be intimidating, but they are not aggressive and pose no real threat. They can be destructive while boring into wooden posts, rafters, and siding.

Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps range in size from ¾ to 1 inch long. They have yellow and brown markings on the head and thorax, and bands on the abdomen. They make their open celled nests by mixing their saliva with tree bark or wood fiber. They build their nests under eaves, rafters, and door frames. They are non-aggressive but may sting when defending their nest.

Mud Daubers

Mud Daubers are solitary wasps and do not live in colonies. They make their nests from mud, and many people do not realize the ‘mud splatters’ they see under their eaves are actually mud dauber nests. They range in size from ¾ to 1 inch, are sleek, and generally black in color. They are non-aggressive and do not defend their nest.

Yellow Jackets

It is difficult to distinguish a yellow jacket from a paper wasp because they have yellow and black markings on its head and a patterned striped body. They build their nests in the ground or in protected cavities like eaves or attic spaces. They are considered aggressive because they defend their nests vigorously and can sting multiple times.


Hornets are similar in appearance to the paper wasp but they are larger and more bulbous in appearance. They build their nests on tree branches or on sides of buildings. Their nests are large, tear-shaped balls that can be as large as a basketball. They are social insects and their nests may contain hundreds of hornets. They are considered extremely aggressive and it is generally recommended to have a professional remove the nest.